Members present: Alberich, Lady Dresko, Fensaith, Gotham, Kijug, Koffing, Lunar Duck, Mandos, Sector Glitch, Lord Syd, Lord Warplet, and Wulfe. Telan and Helping Healer came before the meeting but had to leave, and Lord Arcail joined us for the hunt after the meeting.
1/12/99 5:44:16p Grank: Today is Lundi, day 12 of Spring. 1/12/99 5:44:19p Grank: It is day 102 of the year 532 1/12/99 6:00:07p Wulfe: We gota move to bar 1/12/99 6:00:14p Mandos: Yeah...we probably will... 1/12/99 6:00:19p Wulfe raises his beer mug in a hearty toast. 1/12/99 6:00:24p Wulfe raises his beer mug in a hearty toast. 1/12/99 6:00:39p Wulfe: to dwarven militia and beer 1/12/99 6:00:42p Wulfe raises his beer mug in a hearty toast. 1/12/99 6:00:45p Warplet: good lots of people 1/12/99 6:00:48p Wulfe raises his frothy mug of beer on high, and drains it in one gulp. 1/12/99 6:00:55p Syd pokes telan 1/12/99 6:00:56p Fensaith: BEEEER! 1/12/99 6:00:56p Wulfe: Were movin to bar 1/12/99 6:01:00p Fensaith raises his frothy mug of beer on high, and drains it in one gulp. 1/12/99 6:01:01p Mandos is surprised (in a good way) by the turnout actually. 1/12/99 6:01:08p Warplet digs in his pockets for his notes 1/12/99 6:01:29p Wulfe: darn 1/12/99 6:01:32p Gotham is a new guy =) 1/12/99 6:01:33p Warplet: I think this is it 1/12/99 6:01:36p Syd: hehe 1/12/99 6:01:37p Syd: aye 1/12/99 6:01:40p Wulfe: cant fit lotsa guys in fer share 1/12/99 6:01:42p Mandos: Sector Glitch. 1/12/99 6:01:43p Alberich: Hail Clan Father Warplet. I too am new to this clan. 1/12/99 6:01:46p Dresko: sector glich is DM member? 1/12/99 6:01:53p Warplet: yes sector 1/12/99 6:01:54p Wulfe: yep 1/12/99 6:02:08p Warplet: hmm arena 1/12/99 6:02:11p Wulfe: Ca we go to bar 1/12/99 6:02:15p Dresko: ss him 1/12/99 6:02:25p Dresko: i think a healer is in arena 1/12/99 6:02:34p Mandos grins at Wulfe. "Hold yer horses." 1/12/99 6:02:37p Warplet: after the meeting 1/12/99 6:02:43p Warplet: it will be short 1/12/99 6:02:50p Wulfe: I can take the role of clan beggar. 1/12/99 6:02:51p Warplet: sector is coming 1/12/99 6:03:05p Syd: aye 1/12/99 6:03:09p Warplet: I'll start on some small things while we wait 1/12/99 6:03:12p Wulfe: I have raised 900 through begging, and I have nothing to do with it 1/12/99 6:03:21p Syd: not bad wulfe 1/12/99 6:03:32p Wulfe: nope 1/12/99 6:03:35p Syd: =) 1/12/99 6:03:50p Wulfe: just use ur accent and dont sound sophisticated 1/12/99 6:03:55p Warplet: thanks partially to a large donation tonight by syd the treasury is up to 2437 coins 1/12/99 6:03:58p Dresko: Alberich we take rage first? 1/12/99 6:03:59p Syd: ok ok =p 1/12/99 6:04:02p Sector Glitch to you: ok, im here 1/12/99 6:04:02p Dresko: we take rage first? 1/12/99 6:04:03p Mandos cheers for Syd! 1/12/99 6:04:09p Syd winks 1/12/99 6:04:16p Warplet: he donated 1.1k or so 1/12/99 6:04:20p Syd: aye 1/12/99 6:04:30p Wulfe claps fer Syd! 1/12/99 6:04:34p Syd: =) 1/12/99 6:04:38p Warplet: donations are not required but if possible they are nice 1/12/99 6:04:49p Warplet: ok 5343 coins now 1/12/99 6:04:49p Gotham: what is the money used for? 1/12/99 6:04:52p Syd: hi sec 1/12/99 6:04:53p Sector Glitch: sorry, was dead 1/12/99 6:04:56p Dresko: =) 1/12/99 6:04:56p Fensaith laughs 1/12/99 6:04:57p Sector Glitch: heyo 1/12/99 6:04:58p Wulfe: Warplet, I have nufink to do wif dat 906 1/12/99 6:05:01p Mandos: Read the clan scrolls, Gotham. 1/12/99 6:05:04p Warplet: ok 1/12/99 6:05:04p Sector Glitch: thanks 1/12/99 6:05:07p Wulfe: I will share 1/12/99 6:05:09p Dresko: brb 1/12/99 6:05:11p Syd: welcolme 1/12/99 6:05:16p Warplet: the clan scrolls are being updated daily 1/12/99 6:05:17p Wulfe: my begged welf 1/12/99 6:05:18p Gotham: ah, ok 1/12/99 6:05:23p Sector Glitch: i recall a time, 1/12/99 6:05:27p Mandos: And boy are they ever. 1/12/99 6:05:32p Sector Glitch: when i was banned to being healed by the DM 1/12/99 6:05:39p Syd: haha 1/12/99 6:05:44p Syd: NOW YOU TELL ME' 1/12/99 6:05:48p Syd: =) 1/12/99 6:05:51p Sector Glitch: but was probably back before all of you 1/12/99 6:05:53p Mandos: Heh. 1/12/99 6:05:55p Wulfe: ya fink dat I can be official clan beggar? 1/12/99 6:06:00p Syd: depends 1/12/99 6:06:03p Syd: how long ago? 1/12/99 6:06:03p Warplet: I want to start to prepare for the dun'islar 1/12/99 6:06:04p Sector Glitch: v14 1/12/99 6:06:11p Sector Glitch: rer... 1/12/99 6:06:12p Syd: aye v 30 here 1/12/99 6:06:12p Sector Glitch: 22 1/12/99 6:06:19p Sector Glitch: im FROM 14 1/12/99 6:06:22p Mandos: Yeah, let us do Dun'ilsar. =) 1/12/99 6:06:24p Sector Glitch: was in 22 when i was banned 1/12/99 6:06:28p Warplet: you know of this contest? 1/12/99 6:06:34p Sector Glitch: yeah 1/12/99 6:06:35p Koffing: What's the competition this time? 1/12/99 6:06:35p Syd: wow from now on i call you "geezer" 1/12/99 6:06:39p Wulfe: yes 1/12/99 6:06:41p Dresko: i think we cannot win 1/12/99 6:06:42p Wulfe: me fink so 1/12/99 6:06:47p Warplet: we pick 2 contests, they accept 1 1/12/99 6:06:48p Sector Glitch has no grey hairs 1/12/99 6:06:51p Syd: hehe 1/12/99 6:06:56p Syd: in spirit =D 1/12/99 6:06:59p Mandos: Doesn't matter, it's still a good exercise for the clan. Very good. 1/12/99 6:07:03p Warplet: I think we have a chance in a foot race 1/12/99 6:07:03p Sector Glitch: i dont know if we powerful enough 1/12/99 6:07:05p Mandos: Doesn't matter if we win, it's still a good exercise for the clan. Very good. 1/12/99 6:07:07p Dresko: BOI is the one to beat 1/12/99 6:07:09p Sector Glitch: yeah 1/12/99 6:07:12p Sector Glitch: im good at that 1/12/99 6:07:15p Warplet: and maybe a rescue 1/12/99 6:07:16p Wulfe: I can distact cats 1/12/99 6:07:18p Syd: BOI is nothing, blitz left =D 1/12/99 6:07:18p Sector Glitch: know terrain like back of my hand 1/12/99 6:07:19p Dresko: right Mandos 1/12/99 6:07:27p Dresko: ziff still there 1/12/99 6:07:29p Dresko: =) 1/12/99 6:07:30p Syd: true 1/12/99 6:07:34p Syd: =) 1/12/99 6:07:35p Warplet: we have arcail, the best healer in the lands 1/12/99 6:07:35p Sector Glitch: warplet... 1/12/99 6:07:43p Sector Glitch: what about an abyss rescue? =) 1/12/99 6:07:48p Wulfe: We have me! 1/12/99 6:07:49p Syd: abyss!?!? 1/12/99 6:07:49p Warplet: heh 1/12/99 6:07:51p Sector Glitch: i mapped the place 1/12/99 6:07:53p Dresko: is it true arcail slaughters 11 coiners? 1/12/99 6:07:55p Sector Glitch: yup 1/12/99 6:07:56p Syd: wed have enough trouble with DT 1/12/99 6:07:58p Warplet: yes 1/12/99 6:08:00p Sector Glitch: spent a whole day mapping it 1/12/99 6:08:03p Dresko: i didnt believe him 1/12/99 6:08:07p Warplet: =) 1/12/99 6:08:16p Warplet: anyway, be thinking about it 1/12/99 6:08:16p Dresko: well he wasnt that fast 1/12/99 6:08:29p Syd: what about clan hunts? 1/12/99 6:08:30p Sector Glitch: there's a limit now dresko 1/12/99 6:08:31p Warplet: we might need to practice 1/12/99 6:08:48p Warplet: about clan hunts... 1/12/99 6:08:51p Syd: aye 1/12/99 6:08:51p Sector Glitch: limit to almost everything 1/12/99 6:08:53p Wulfe: Clan father, allow me to be clan 'fundraiser', or beggar, either one 1/12/99 6:08:54p Alberich: To myself, a new exile to an extent, all this sounds very wonderous to me. 1/12/99 6:08:57p Mandos: We should have one after the meeting. 1/12/99 6:09:01p Sector Glitch: umm.. 1/12/99 6:09:03p Syd: nod 1/12/99 6:09:04p Sector Glitch: beggar not good idea 1/12/99 6:09:11p Warplet: I'll talk to you a bit later, ok wulfe? 1/12/99 6:09:13p Sector Glitch: says we are poor bunch of losers 1/12/99 6:09:17p Mandos: Welcome to the Militia, Alberich. =) 1/12/99 6:09:18p Wulfe: Im good though 1/12/99 6:09:18p Syd: true sec 1/12/99 6:09:25p Warplet: anyway 1/12/99 6:09:31p Alberich: Thank ye. ^_^ 1/12/99 6:09:33p Warplet: what events would you like to see? 1/12/99 6:09:38p Sector Glitch: um... 1/12/99 6:09:44p Wulfe: I would like drinkin contests 1/12/99 6:09:45p Fensaith: warp, you want to stand up top so we can all hear? 1/12/99 6:09:47p Sector Glitch: we couldnt take very many in dun'ilsar 1/12/99 6:09:58p Sector Glitch: unless you picked a smart contest 1/12/99 6:09:59p Fensaith: thankee 1/12/99 6:10:02p Fensaith smiles 1/12/99 6:10:02p Warplet: better? 1/12/99 6:10:05p Koffing: Oh, dear. I'm tired of all this screaming outside the meeting place... 1/12/99 6:10:06p Syd: yes 1/12/99 6:10:06p Fensaith: yup 1/12/99 6:10:09p Sector Glitch: that takes our strenghts together 1/12/99 6:10:13p Wulfe: everyone back to the lower semicircle 1/12/99 6:10:14p Mandos: We'll do okay in Dun'ilsar. 1/12/99 6:10:38p Warplet: I hear clan hunts 1/12/99 6:10:42p Sector Glitch: well 1/12/99 6:10:44p Warplet: any others? 1/12/99 6:10:46p Sector Glitch: not too many of us on 1/12/99 6:10:49p Syd: aye 1/12/99 6:10:51p Wulfe: Drinkin contests! 1/12/99 6:10:51p Sector Glitch: to hunt together 1/12/99 6:11:04p Sector Glitch: i see 3 at a time at most 1/12/99 6:11:06p Mandos: Is it possible to have meetings every week? 1/12/99 6:11:06p Warplet: well, drinking contests are a given 1/12/99 6:11:08p Alberich: Hide and go seek in TW? 1/12/99 6:11:23p Sector Glitch: too easy al 1/12/99 6:11:29p Sector Glitch: i could hide where you wouldnt find me 1/12/99 6:11:30p Warplet: we are looking for new members 1/12/99 6:11:39p Sector Glitch: dont just get anyone though... 1/12/99 6:11:40p Dresko: nah SectorGlitch 1/12/99 6:11:43p Sector Glitch: we need strong ones 1/12/99 6:11:49p Wulfe: superlatives so everyones gotta work on roleplayin or whatever 1/12/99 6:11:52p Warplet: direct candidates to a council member 1/12/99 6:12:08p Syd: i have an issue 1/12/99 6:12:08p Sector Glitch: we need a more established order 1/12/99 6:12:12p Sector Glitch: so we can grow 1/12/99 6:12:14p Warplet: right now that is myself, mandos, and dresko 1/12/99 6:12:17p Syd: what about non dwarves and halflings joining? 1/12/99 6:12:25p Syd: suchs as "telan" 1/12/99 6:12:25p Wulfe: clan superlatives 1/12/99 6:12:26p Warplet: that is fine 1/12/99 6:12:28p Mandos: Folks... 1/12/99 6:12:36p Dresko: sure they should be able to join 1/12/99 6:12:38p Alberich: Arcail is of the people is he not? 1/12/99 6:12:39p Warplet: but we will review them on a case by case basis 1/12/99 6:12:46p Syd: ok. 1/12/99 6:12:48p Mandos: Please read the "Charter" section of the clan scrolls (web page) and see what you think. 1/12/99 6:12:56p Syd: i read it =) 1/12/99 6:12:58p Sector Glitch: i think we should vote on new entrants 1/12/99 6:13:03p Sector Glitch: by email and what-not 1/12/99 6:13:15p Wulfe: We should discriminate! we get made fun of because of havin lotsa people in our clan and cats too 1/12/99 6:13:16p Syd: i vote to impeach Telan =D 1/12/99 6:13:20p Warplet: that is logistically hard sector 1/12/99 6:13:26p Sector Glitch: well warp, 1/12/99 6:13:32p Mandos: Yeah, Sector, too complicated. 1/12/99 6:13:38p Sector Glitch: 2/3 vote to get someone in? 1/12/99 6:13:40p Mandos: We want to be more open than that I think. 1/12/99 6:13:42p Sector Glitch: how is that hard? 1/12/99 6:13:50p Sector Glitch: hmm... 1/12/99 6:13:51p Warplet: how about a vote of the council? 1/12/99 6:13:54p Wulfe: We need ta kick monkeyman out 1/12/99 6:13:56p Mandos: Because we have to wait for every vote to come in for every new member. 1/12/99 6:14:04p Sector Glitch: yeah 1/12/99 6:14:10p Syd: good idea warplet, thats much simpler then enchanted mail 1/12/99 6:14:11p Warplet: you can lobby the council any way you want 1/12/99 6:14:11p Sector Glitch: hired council votes 1/12/99 6:14:16p Mandos: People are saying kick out Telan and Monkeyman. Are you serious about this? 1/12/99 6:14:18p Wulfe: We need ta kick monkeyman out I never shoulda let him in 1/12/99 6:14:28p Syd: telan is quite annoying. 1/12/99 6:14:30p Dresko: wait about kickin out 1/12/99 6:14:31p Sector Glitch: who is monkeyman? 1/12/99 6:14:33p Mandos ahahs at Wulfe. 1/12/99 6:14:37p Wulfe: Yes Monkeyman is worse 1/12/99 6:14:40p Sector Glitch: telan is a biggot 1/12/99 6:14:46p Syd: i agree 1/12/99 6:14:46p Wulfe: hes on like a hour a day 1/12/99 6:14:52p Warplet: hmm 1/12/99 6:15:01p Warplet: the council will discuss it 1/12/99 6:15:02p Dresko: if we kick out 2 cats this looks like DM is dwarvish only 1/12/99 6:15:03p Alberich: Is "Annoying" a valid basis for removal? 1/12/99 6:15:04p Sector Glitch: tide affects respawn 1/12/99 6:15:05p Syd: k 1/12/99 6:15:05p Wulfe: and hes never heard of roleplaying 1/12/99 6:15:09p Mandos: Aargh, leave Grank alone. 1/12/99 6:15:09p Sector Glitch: did you know that? 1/12/99 6:15:25p Sector Glitch: damn 1/12/99 6:15:27p Syd: well, have you ever spoken with telna alberich? 1/12/99 6:15:29p Sector Glitch: low respawn 1/12/99 6:15:37p Syd: if you have.. 1/12/99 6:15:45p Warplet: the council will discuss requests to remove a member 1/12/99 6:15:52p Syd: okie 1/12/99 6:15:55p Alberich: Nay, I have not. But I'm just trying to be the devil's advocate. ^_^ 1/12/99 6:15:55p Sector Glitch: how do you get someone removed? 1/12/99 6:16:00p Syd: hehe 1/12/99 6:16:00p Sector Glitch: if they dont agree to it? 1/12/99 6:16:02p Wulfe: disreg 1/12/99 6:16:06p Wulfe: push em in 1/12/99 6:16:07p Sector Glitch: through dm? 1/12/99 6:16:08p Mandos: We ask the Ancients. 1/12/99 6:16:11p Dresko: u can pray 1/12/99 6:16:12p Sector Glitch: ok, good 1/12/99 6:16:17p Warplet: I can take care of it sector =) 1/12/99 6:16:25p Gotham looks forward to a good old fashion pushing 1/12/99 6:16:31p Syd: connections with gaia ey? 1/12/99 6:16:36p Warplet: we do need new members though 1/12/99 6:16:42p Warplet: strong members 1/12/99 6:16:43p Dresko: yup 1/12/99 6:16:47p Wulfe: I let em both in:( too much drink me finks 1/12/99 6:16:48p Sector Glitch: gaia still owes me a kiss 1/12/99 6:16:50p Syd: we have strong members 1/12/99 6:16:55p Sector Glitch: and beacon owes me for saving his butt 1/12/99 6:16:55p Warplet: we have some 1/12/99 6:16:59p Mandos: More strong members. :P 1/12/99 6:17:01p Dresko: and i hope we find some of other races too 1/12/99 6:17:02p Warplet: we need more 1/12/99 6:17:03p Syd: =p 1/12/99 6:17:16p Syd: i say we convince blitz =D 1/12/99 6:17:17p Warplet: I shall sign us up for the dun'ilsar 1/12/99 6:17:20p Wulfe: Well are we gonna vote on kicking out 1/12/99 6:17:22p Sector Glitch: being the "dwarven" militia... 1/12/99 6:17:31p Sector Glitch: i think we be all dwarves 1/12/99 6:17:39p Sector Glitch: and mandos 1/12/99 6:17:40p Syd: as in the words of telan, Friends of dwarves. 1/12/99 6:17:41p Mandos: No, Wulfe, the council will take care of that. 1/12/99 6:17:41p Warplet: please try to spread our fame by yelling BEER! 1/12/99 6:17:42p Sector Glitch: =) 1/12/99 6:17:54p Syd: ok 1/12/99 6:17:55p Sector Glitch: warp, 1/12/99 6:17:57p Syd: BEER! 1/12/99 6:17:59p Fensaith: no porobalem there 1/12/99 6:18:00p Sector Glitch: DM was powerful way back when 1/12/99 6:18:02p Koffing: BEER! 1/12/99 6:18:04p Warplet: I know 1/12/99 6:18:06p Wulfe: Can we discriminate? 1/12/99 6:18:07p Syd: =D 1/12/99 6:18:08p Warplet: we still are 1/12/99 6:18:10p Dresko: nah SectorGlitch i think DM means dwarvish culture and thinkin not bein dwarves 1/12/99 6:18:13p Mandos: And it's growing powerful once again. :P 1/12/99 6:18:28p Syd: aye 1/12/99 6:18:29p Sector Glitch: depends if we play our cards right 1/12/99 6:18:34p Mandos: Folks, remember not to join members yourself, just refer them to the council. 1/12/99 6:18:39p Sector Glitch: we need a show of power 1/12/99 6:18:45p Syd wont 1/12/99 6:18:50p Sector Glitch: something to say, you can do that, but we can do it better 1/12/99 6:18:51p Warplet: the dun'ilsar is a good show of power 1/12/99 6:18:54p Dresko: some of the most powerful members in DM historys were of other folks 1/12/99 6:18:56p Wulfe: ok 1/12/99 6:19:04p Syd: hg merc. 1/12/99 6:19:09p Sector Glitch: well 1/12/99 6:19:09p Wulfe: lets sweep through town and kill tors :) 1/12/99 6:19:09p Dresko: hitman 1/12/99 6:19:11p Sector Glitch: in the old days... 1/12/99 6:19:17p Dresko: and others 1/12/99 6:19:19p Syd: retro =D 1/12/99 6:19:20p Sector Glitch: it was mostly dwarves and zo 1/12/99 6:19:22p Mandos: I think we'll always have a great majority of Dwarves, but we should be open to others. 1/12/99 6:19:32p Alberich: If the olds ones, what others are not in a clan yet? 1/12/99 6:19:32p Sector Glitch: especially zo 1/12/99 6:19:33p Dresko: exactly Mandos 1/12/99 6:19:38p Sector Glitch: there were lots o zo 1/12/99 6:19:38p Alberich: Of the olds ones, what others are not in a clan yet? 1/12/99 6:19:51p Warplet: what Alberich? 1/12/99 6:19:54p Mandos: Most aren't active, Alberich. 1/12/99 6:20:00p Syd: im gonnna turn some members from sdc =D 1/12/99 6:20:04p Alberich: Of the olds (long time exiles) ones, what others are not in a clan yet? 1/12/99 6:20:06p Mandos: Heh. 1/12/99 6:20:07p Alberich: Of the old (long time exiles) ones, what others are not in a clan yet? 1/12/99 6:20:09p Warplet: ahh 1/12/99 6:20:12p Warplet: not many 1/12/99 6:20:13p Sector Glitch: umm.. 1/12/99 6:20:17p Sector Glitch: i gotta eat dinner 1/12/99 6:20:21p Sector Glitch: i'll brb 1/12/99 6:20:24p Sector Glitch: how long is meeting? 1/12/99 6:20:28p Warplet: go ahead sector 1/12/99 6:20:32p Mandos shrugs. 1/12/99 6:20:37p Alberich: But those few should be listed? Perhaps one of us is a friend? 1/12/99 6:20:39p Sector Glitch pulls out his lunchbox 1/12/99 6:20:50p Sector Glitch: *munch* *munch* 1/12/99 6:20:57p Warplet: it's kind of hard to tell 1/12/99 6:21:00p Mandos: Do you have anyone in particular in mind? 1/12/99 6:21:02p Syd sketches a picture of the meeting. 1/12/99 6:21:25p Warplet: darn click-toggles 1/12/99 6:21:31p Syd: =p 1/12/99 6:21:34p Warplet: anyway 1/12/99 6:21:35p Alberich: Nay. I'm just thinking that it might help narrow the search for new members. 1/12/99 6:21:51p Warplet: I agree Alberich, but it is hard to come up with a list 1/12/99 6:22:03p Alberich: Understood, clan father. 1/12/99 6:22:03p Warplet: if you see any, you can send their names in to the council 1/12/99 6:22:17p Warplet: I know a ton of exiles 1/12/99 6:22:25p Warplet: the other council members do to 1/12/99 6:22:47p Dresko: now lets say official how to get a new member? 1/12/99 6:23:00p Syd: bring them before the council? 1/12/99 6:23:11p Warplet: yes 1/12/99 6:23:18p Dresko: djeta? 1/12/99 6:23:25p Warplet: please, only a council member should join a new member 1/12/99 6:23:25p Djata: =) 1/12/99 6:23:33p Syd: nod 1/12/99 6:23:38p Dresko: me thinks too Warplet 1/12/99 6:23:47p Djata: A little party huh? 1/12/99 6:23:50p Warplet: so we don't get more telan's...... 1/12/99 6:23:53p Mandos: Militia meeting. 1/12/99 6:24:11p Warplet: anyway 1/12/99 6:24:19p Warplet: anyone else have anything to discuss? 1/12/99 6:24:25p Fensaith: I love the green helm idea. How's that coming? 1/12/99 6:24:30p Warplet: ahh 1/12/99 6:24:31p Lunar Duck: nope 1/12/99 6:24:39p Warplet: we are working on it 1/12/99 6:24:43p Lunar Duck: Green Helm? 1/12/99 6:24:49p Warplet: read the web scrolls 1/12/99 6:24:51p Gotham: maybe arranged arena battles as a show of clan power? 1/12/99 6:24:51p Mandos: Read the web page! 1/12/99 6:24:51p Dresko: ok is this now official one council member to get a new member? 1/12/99 6:24:56p Lunar Duck: Oh, okk. 1/12/99 6:25:23p Syd: hmm 1/12/99 6:25:25p Mandos: Against other clans? 1/12/99 6:25:25p Warplet: I think so, yes dresko 1/12/99 6:25:29p Syd greats bounty 1/12/99 6:25:38p Bounty: Greetings, Syd. Am I intruding? 1/12/99 6:25:39p Dresko: hi Bounty DM meetin 1/12/99 6:25:42p Syd: you dont wanna know =D 1/12/99 6:25:45p Bounty: I had hoped to ask a question of Grank. 1/12/99 6:25:51p Gotham: aye, maybe 5 of us versus 5 members from another clan 1/12/99 6:25:53p Bounty: But perhaps I should return at a later time. 1/12/99 6:25:54p Syd: go ahead bounty 1/12/99 6:25:54p Mandos: Make a hole. 1/12/99 6:26:00p Syd: hehe 1/12/99 6:26:05p Bounty: Hmm. Does he give the date? 1/12/99 6:26:11p Bounty: Aha. Thank you. 1/12/99 6:26:15p Bounty bows 1/12/99 6:26:16p Syd: 102 1/12/99 6:26:20p Mandos: Lundi, Spring 12. 1/12/99 6:26:30p Syd: lundi = monday in french =D 1/12/99 6:26:31p Dresko: now about resque 1/12/99 6:26:36p Mandos: Of course. 1/12/99 6:26:39p Syd: =) 1/12/99 6:26:49p Warplet: ? 1/12/99 6:26:50p Dresko: very important esp for fighters 1/12/99 6:26:53p Syklle has fallen to an Orga Berserk in the tangle wood. 1/12/99 6:26:55p Warplet: ahh yes 1/12/99 6:26:58p Warplet: thankee dresko 1/12/99 6:27:10p Warplet: if you need help, down and nobody to help you 1/12/99 6:27:22p Warplet: please toggle a clan member 1/12/99 6:27:26p Mandos: Share / unshare 1/12/99 6:27:27p Syd: aye 1/12/99 6:27:34p Gotham: aye 1/12/99 6:27:38p Gotham: sounds good 1/12/99 6:27:39p Warplet: if you get toggled you need to do 1 of 2 things 1/12/99 6:27:43p Mandos: Even if they are not a healer, they should try to get a rescue for you. 1/12/99 6:27:55p Warplet: either rescue them yourselves, or get a rescue for them 1/12/99 6:28:04p Syd snores 1/12/99 6:28:15p Warplet: ok? 1/12/99 6:28:22p Mandos: Hear, hear! 1/12/99 6:28:22p Syd: bah bah black sheep... 1/12/99 6:28:24p Warplet: this should help everyone 1/12/99 6:28:25p Fensaith nods 1/12/99 6:28:36p Warplet: what else am I forgetting 1/12/99 6:28:49p Syd: hmm? 1/12/99 6:28:58p Warplet: I think that is it 1/12/99 6:29:01p Mandos: There is no clan uniform 1/12/99 6:29:04p Mandos: There are no clan dues 1/12/99 6:29:09p Dresko: now who is council ? 1/12/99 6:29:15p Mandos: However, we'd appreciate any donations (give to Warplet) 1/12/99 6:29:24p Warplet: council right now is myself, mandos, and dresko 1/12/99 6:29:38p Dresko: what about arcail? 1/12/99 6:29:49p Warplet: arcail has been offered a seat, and has not decided yet 1/12/99 6:30:11p Warplet: no limitations on race, but a council member needs to be the one to join them 1/12/99 6:30:20p Alberich: Aye 1/12/99 6:30:37p Mandos: Just by the fact that we are geared towards Dwarves, we will mostly be Dwarves. But we are and should be open. 1/12/99 6:30:46p Warplet: I am still looking for 2 council members, I have some in mind and will be contacting them 1/12/99 6:30:59p Warplet: I'd like to have a council of about 5 1/12/99 6:31:01p Dresko: is bobtheweak active? 1/12/99 6:31:06p Mandos: Not really. 1/12/99 6:31:10p Warplet: I talked to him last night 1/12/99 6:31:37p Warplet: another offer, another no decision 1/12/99 6:31:37p Syd wakes up 1/12/99 6:32:00p Warplet: unless anyone else has anything... 1/12/99 6:32:05p Mandos: shall we go on a clan hunt, or go for a drink? =) 1/12/99 6:32:11p Dresko: 1 thing 1/12/99 6:32:13p Syd: hunt =D 1/12/99 6:32:13p Fensaith: both! 1/12/99 6:32:13p Warplet: both 1/12/99 6:32:18p Fensaith chuchles 1/12/99 6:32:21p Warplet: ahh ok 1/12/99 6:32:22p Fensaith chuckles 1/12/99 6:32:24p Mandos: Hunt then beer? =) 1/12/99 6:32:27p Warplet: m'lady dresko? 1/12/99 6:32:27p Kijug: Beer! 1/12/99 6:32:30p Syd: beer hunt beer =D 1/12/99 6:32:33p Mandos: Or get drunk then hunt. 1/12/99 6:32:43p Syd: hi kijug 1/12/99 6:32:49p Kijug: Howdy! 1/12/99 6:32:54p Warplet: shhh, dresko has 1 more thing 1/12/99 6:32:55p Kijug:1/12/99 6:32:58p Mandos: Hi Kijug! 1/12/99 6:32:58p Syd: k 1/12/99 6:33:00p Dresko: what about event= liche hunt so even newer players could do one they arent really hard 1/12/99 6:33:00p Syd: . 1/12/99 6:33:04p Lunar Duck: Wel, this has been really Cool, but I have to go now cause. OOC: I have homework to do. 1/12/99 6:33:14p Dresko: what about event= liche hunt so even newer players could do one they arent really hard 1/12/99 6:33:16p Syd: bye ducky 1/12/99 6:33:17p Lunar Duck: Later All!! 1/12/99 6:33:23p Kijug: Later Duck! 1/12/99 6:33:24p Syd: good idea 1/12/99 6:33:24p Fensaith waves 1/12/99 6:33:28p Gotham wants to do a liche 1/12/99 6:33:29p Gotham: later duck 1/12/99 6:33:30p Mandos: Later. 1/12/99 6:33:33p Warplet: we need some heavy hitters for that 1/12/99 6:33:36p Lunar Duck: Later!! 1/12/99 6:33:51p Warplet: wendies? 1/12/99 6:33:58p Dresko: nah they are easy to hit after the 3 swing thing ive seen weaker healers hit them 1/12/99 6:34:00p Mandos: Wendies is better, methinks. 1/12/99 6:34:00p Syd: i know, well get the liche drunk then beat him =D 1/12/99 6:34:06p Alberich: I would like to take part in events to cain exp faster. ^_^ 1/12/99 6:34:18p Mandos: Greymyr Village is good. 1/12/99 6:34:20p Dresko: we just need enough ppl 1/12/99 6:34:28p Kijug: What is "liche"...haven't heard of them. 1/12/99 6:34:32p Warplet: yes, liche would be fine with more people 1/12/99 6:34:39p Syd: its in dt, big skull 1/12/99 6:34:42p Dresko: darshak liche =55 coiner 1/12/99 6:34:45p Warplet: a darshak liche, in the DT 1/12/99 6:34:56p Dresko: but easy to kill with good tactic 1/12/99 6:34:58p Mandos: We should take over OC at least once a month. 1/12/99 6:35:04p Syd: aye 1/12/99 6:35:09p Warplet: we could do oc 1/12/99 6:35:12p Gotham: anyone know how to do tree giants? i've always wondered 1/12/99 6:35:13p Dresko: well mados u take the furys? 1/12/99 6:35:17p Kijug: I'm good support, but not good for main big fightin'. 1/12/99 6:35:18p Dresko: well mandos u take the furys? 1/12/99 6:35:20p Victory is no longer Clanning. 1/12/99 6:35:20p Syd: i do 1/12/99 6:35:21p Mandos: Heh. 1/12/99 6:35:21p Sector Glitch: yum yum 1/12/99 6:35:26p Wulfe: what have I missed 1/12/99 6:35:27p Warplet: I can show you how to do TG 1/12/99 6:35:28p Syd: you get em trapped on a tree 1/12/99 6:35:36p Syd: one person takes 7 hits 1/12/99 6:35:42p Warplet: 5 is enough 1/12/99 6:35:42p Dresko: tg? 1/12/99 6:35:47p Wulfe: what have I missed 1/12/99 6:35:48p Warplet: tree giants 1/12/99 6:35:48p Syd: then it has 0 balance and you kill =D 1/12/99 6:35:53p Dresko: who here can take tg swings? 1/12/99 6:35:55p Sector Glitch: that's what im asking wulfe 1/12/99 6:36:01p Gotham: ah, that makes sense =) 1/12/99 6:36:02p Warplet raises his hand 1/12/99 6:36:03p Mandos: Wulfe, the log will be on the web. 1/12/99 6:36:04p Syd: i can take a couple 1/12/99 6:36:10p Wulfe: ok 1/12/99 6:36:10p Syd: not 7 though 1/12/99 6:36:12p Kijug: I can take ANY hit...and die! heh 1/12/99 6:36:14p Sector Glitch tentatively raises his hand 1/12/99 6:36:18p Dresko: u can take 7 tree hits Warplet ? 1/12/99 6:36:18p Mandos: Hush. Warplet speaks. 1/12/99 6:36:19p Wulfe: BEER! 1/12/99 6:36:23p Warplet: almost 1/12/99 6:36:29p Wulfe: never call a fury furry 1/12/99 6:36:36p Warplet: 5 anyway 1/12/99 6:36:44p Warplet: I can take 2 liche hits 1/12/99 6:36:47p Dresko: frost giants are easier u need only 3 1/12/99 6:36:50p Wulfe: NEVER call a fury furry 1/12/99 6:36:55p Syd: thats one more then i cant take =D 1/12/99 6:37:03p Kijug: C&S...snow giants! 1/12/99 6:37:07p Wulfe: NEVER call a fury furry or they will hold their chest 1/12/99 6:37:08p Sector Glitch: so what did i miss? 1/12/99 6:37:13p Warplet: snow tigers though 1/12/99 6:37:22p Warplet: the log will be on the web 1/12/99 6:37:23p Syd: nothing much sector 1/12/99 6:37:23p Sector Glitch: we get the point wufe 1/12/99 6:37:29p Sector Glitch: ok 1/12/99 6:37:43p Wulfe: I was killing one fer 30 min fer nuffink! 1/12/99 6:37:43p Warplet: hmm 1/12/99 6:37:43p Kijug: I ponder... 1/12/99 6:37:46p Dresko: we are enough for liche i think 1/12/99 6:37:51p Warplet: we could try liche 1/12/99 6:38:01p Kijug does an action. 1/12/99 6:38:02p Warplet: I might call up a friend or two though 1/12/99 6:38:06p Sector Glitch: i remember killing liches 1/12/99 6:38:10p Sector Glitch: i took em by meself 1/12/99 6:38:12p Syd: i hope we get the show on the road, gotta exam tomorrow (chem) 1/12/99 6:38:14p Dresko: the main problem is to clear dt 1/12/99 6:38:19p Sector Glitch: made it out with full life too 1/12/99 6:38:22p Mandos: Wendy passes best... 1/12/99 6:38:23p Kijug: I think we all agree to liches!!! 1/12/99 6:38:26p Wulfe: heh 1/12/99 6:38:44p Mandos: Okay, let's go somewhere right now. Where to? 1/12/99 6:38:44p Alberich: I must return to the mines. Be well, fellow clansmen. 1/12/99 6:38:45p Warplet gets ready to committ suicide by taking this group to hunt the liche 1/12/99 6:38:45p Dresko: well im not sure if we can clear the dt 1/12/99 6:38:50p Syd: eheh 1/12/99 6:38:57p Dresko: bye Alberich 1/12/99 6:38:59p Mandos: Heh. 1/12/99 6:39:00p Warplet: how about the passes 1/12/99 6:39:00p Fensaith waves 1/12/99 6:39:03p Mandos: Later Alberich! 1/12/99 6:39:03p Wulfe: ok 1/12/99 6:39:06p Dresko: or we try frost giants? 1/12/99 6:39:10p Gotham: bye alb 1/12/99 6:39:14p Sector Glitch: warp 1/12/99 6:39:15p Warplet: can we take ST? 1/12/99 6:39:19p Syd: frost giants seems more viable 1/12/99 6:39:20p Sector Glitch: i say we get frost to join 1/12/99 6:39:22p Warplet: yes sector? 1/12/99 6:39:23p Kijug: Go before we all have to go! 1/12/99 6:39:24p Sector Glitch: he's a good dwarf 1/12/99 6:39:28p Warplet: ok 1/12/99 6:39:31p Wulfe: what are FG? ya can tell Im not a big hunting man 1/12/99 6:39:35p Warplet: we'll talk about it 1/12/99 6:39:36p Dresko: hard to hit most wont hit st 1/12/99 6:39:45p Wulfe: Ive also only been playing at ver 53 1/12/99 6:39:57p Kijug: Warplet...lead! I/we will follow. 1/12/99 6:40:00p Syd feals old 1/12/99 6:40:02p Sector Glitch fills the gap 1/12/99 6:40:05p Warplet: wendies still sound the best 1/12/99 6:40:09p Dresko: now fg or wendys? 1/12/99 6:40:10p Sector Glitch: yeah 1/12/99 6:40:13p Wulfe: yeah 1/12/99 6:40:15p Gotham: wendies then 1/12/99 6:40:15p Sector Glitch: i like wendies at this stage 1/12/99 6:40:18p Mandos: Wendies! 1/12/99 6:40:20p Warplet: how about N pass? 1/12/99 6:40:23p Dresko: where? 1/12/99 6:40:23p Syd: wendies 1/12/99 6:40:26p Kijug: Wendies! ...what's wendies? I'll get to see. 1/12/99 6:40:26p Wulfe: Greyvillage 1/12/99 6:40:44p Warplet: ok n pass, share up